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Web Development

You don't have to be a wizard to ship your digital identity
Digital wizard lizard

What can a good website do for your business?

A good website is more than just your digital powerpoint presentation. It combines functionality, aesthetics, usability and effective communication to meet the needs of users as well as support corporate goals.

Therefore, we maintain dialogue throughout the process and tailor the solution according to your needs and wishes.

web development design


A good website increases the ability to communicate with customers in an efficient manner. We help you with a creative design that makes your business visible and stands out from the competition.


We optimize the content and structure of the website to ensure that you are visible online. Good SEO is essential to be found through search engines and achieve reach.

User experience

It should be easy and intuitive to use the website. A user-friendly website makes it possible to show off on the web from its best side and without any frustrations.

Responsive design

A large percentage of today's traffic happens on mobile devices. We make sure that the design adapts and that the experience is comfortable for everyone.


A website ensures that your business is available to customers around the clock. Break barriers and become available to a larger market.


Today, customers expect serious businesses to have a website. It serves as a sign of legitimacy and commitment to professionalism.

Social proof

Websites allow the publication of customer reviews and testimonials. Powerful social evidence emphasizes quality.

Excellent hosting

Webflow's hosting exceeds expectations. Served from Amazon Web Services, you get fast and stable servers that scale as needed. Backups and updates are done automagically.

The solution also allows us to export code and CMS content, so you are not stuck to one platform.

CMS functionality and Webflow Editor

Webflow has a robust content system (CMS) and comes with its own Editor, which allows you to modify and update content in a simplified manner.

The solution is flexible and allows us to set up the design and CMS so that you - too, will be able to update content by filling out forms from the Editor to post new articles, projects, customer reviews, and more.


Webflow supports e-commerce functionality for simple solutions.

We also offer more comprehensive solutions using Webflow + Foxy Ecommerce, which allows us to integrate Klarna and set up complex product layouts right in your website solution.

We build with Webflow

Webflow is a web design and hosting platform that has grown in popularity due to its unique approach to design and development.

The platform offers a unique combination of flexibility and functionality, which allows us to design complex designs, while allowing us to extend functionality with code and animations.

Simply put, it gives us the freedom to design and develop websites quickly and efficiently.

Webflow design og cms

Our Projects

Get control and overview


evolo nettside mockup

Purchasing made easy


easyreq mockup

Explore the Oslo Fjord


krigerturer mockup

The Arctic Escape

Alten Lodge

alten lodge mockup

Professional and personal

Havøysund hotell

havøysund hotell mockup

Experience the beautiful landscape from the sea

finnmark moods

finnmark moods nettside mockup



havspeil nettside mockup

Finnmark - An attractive region

Trainee Finnmark

trainee finnmark nettside mockup

Get Visibility Online

Web solutions tailored to your needs

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questionmark illustration faq
How long does it take to develop a website?
How much does a website cost?
Maintenance Agreement
Do you pay attention to the Data Protection Act and GDPR?
Har vi lov til å benytte amerikanske skytjenester og underleverandører?
Can I make changes myself?
Why do I need a website?
How do we ensure that the website is responsive?
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
What is the difference between a static and a dynamic website?